Ooohhhh, We're Halfway There - MMM 2014
Hi there friends!! Just a quick post with a halfway point update for Me Made May 2014!!! I pledged to wear one handmade garment every day for the month, and so far it's going great! I'm taking the photo part very casually - daily snapshots on Instagram - and it has made it much more enjoyable :) Here's what I've been wearing...
Day 1 - Still undecided on participating in Me Made May, but after seeing how much fun everyone else was having, I jumped on the bandwagon ;)
Day 2 - Renfrew Mini-Dress / Tunic in Fuschia
Day 3 - Cropped Victoria Blazer in Stripes with Floral Belladone Dress
Day 4 - Striped Hemlock Tee *unblogged
Day 5 - NEW Drapey Criss-Cross Back Modal Tee *unblogged
Day 6 - Blue Floral Mini Skirt
Day 7 - Purple Color Block Ivy Tee
Day 8 - Dark Denim Chardon Skirt *unblogged

Day 9 - Ava Peplum Top Like a Dandy
Day 10 - NEW White / Coral Triangle Plantain Tee with Pocket :) *unblogged
Day 11 AND 12 - Floral Belladone Dress
Day 13 - Floral Knit Maxi Skirt
Day 14 - Mint Bow Dress
Day 15 - Black and White Checkered Dress
To see the original post on any blogged makes, please visit my *NEW AND IMPROVED* Handmade Closet page :) Past makes are now organized by year instead of garment type and have a clean looking table thing going on - I think you'll like it! So, are you doing Me Made May???